Monday, June 14, 2010

Quotes by Andrea Freiboden

Andrea Freiboden is a male homosexual internet troll of racialist blogs and websites with an erotic fixation on black men, who also goes by the names:

JawboneCritic, Andrea Nyx Hemera, Andrea Ostrov Letania, Middletown Girl, Theya and asfsdsdas

This person is believed to be a Russian immigrant or son of recent Russian immigrants who lives in New York state, and originally went by the name of "Andrei" before pretending to be a woman and changing his name to "Andrea."

Some white nationalists have been fooled into thinking this person is a racialist and on the side of whites.

This blog is a collection of quotes that this freak has made over the years. If you have any more, then add them to the comments section and I will include them.

"White males ... cannot find any pleasure in their own manhood, so they seek pleasure in manhood by worshiping that of the Negro."

"the anger of the white male is not that of the robust and confident alpha male but the fear and resentment of the beta male with wounded pride"

"white males submitted to Obama–black man as alpha male"

"Generally, people of West African origin have more fast twitch muscles which allow intense bursts of power. This is why running backs, defensive linemen, and receivers are almost all black. We don't need any expensive test. All you have to do is look at the physique. Blacks in basketball are lean and musularly hard. Whites have softer muscles, which is why white basketball players have to rely more on skill than blacks who have the advantage of skill + great speed/strength."

"whites cannot top blacks in strength and power, the only area left is daring and courage."

"blacks are generally more likely to have the badass gene than others."

"there are white males who do not submit, but even they feel a great fear of the black male"

"But, there is also the fact that blacks have tougher/rougher voices, bigger muscles, longer dicks, more groove and rhythm in music, etc. White males who are ideologically pussified cannot find any pleasure in their own manhood, so they seek pleasure in manhood by worshiping that of the Negro."

"Angry white males, on the other hand, are mainly angry because blacks can ‘whup their asses’ in school, public spaces, in sports, in music, and etc."

"Not everyone is as myopic as Richard Hoste for whom racial purism is just about the only lens through which to judge and understand society."

"Hoste is so ideologically one-dimensional that he can praise a psycho-state like North Korea because it’s racially homogeneous–never mind North Korea is gives racial homogeneity a bad name–while dismissing an excellent and multi-faceted movie like HURT LOCKER because it has, by golly, a ‘positive’ black guy."

"Black men [are] ... entitled to have ‘prime pussy’ since they are the studliest dudes while ‘white boys’ are a bunch of pear-shaped flabby ‘pussy-ass mothafuckas’."

"This is why so many angry, frustrated, and resentful white males–who are sick of blacks winning in sports and taking more and more blonde blue-eyed babes as their sexual prize–load up on guns and more guns. Facebook is filled with seething white males who desperately try to reclaim and demonstrate their manhood by posting photos of themselves holding pistols or uploading videos of them blasting away with semi-automatic rifles. They put on a "I’m an angry white warrior" facial expression which looks rather silly on a social networking site known more for quizzes, games, and virtual gifts. You bet they are fantasizing about shooting a whole bunch of left-wing Jews and black males–and possibly ‘race traitor’ white females who are into ‘jungle fever’."

"white boys [are] ... a bunch of quasi-faggots addicted to porn where blacks hump white broads"

"Blacks generally weigh people’s worth according to physical prowess and charisma, and this means most black guys cannot respect ‘white boys’ as figures of authority. Blacks don’t respect nobody whose ass they can whup."

"A white guy was afraid to say denounce rap since people might interpret his disdain as pussy-ass fear and envy–like the whiny whimpering of a small dog afraid of a big dog who won the fight and the mating rights. I’ll bet every White Nationalist who denounces rap secretly wishes white guys had come up with something as effective and infectious."

"black bones and muscle are harder"

"Indeed, it always amuses me that white liberal men, who try so hard to suppress their own toughness and manhood for the sake of sensitivity and progress, are so eager to admire and revere black males for their uncompromised toughness, manhood, sensuality, power, and anger. A pussified white liberal boy is always telling his fellow white brothers that they should line up to be castrated but then goes to stand in line to suck the dick of some badass Negro."

"When it comes to brain power, Jews are the masters of the universe. In creativity, homos have an edge(consider the Renaissance). In sports, blacks are #1."

"Is it just a coincidence that some of the dumbest white people join racial supremacist organizations like the Neo-Nazis?"

"Over time, only the most powerful, efficient, adaptive, and beautiful life-forms survive and pass down their superior genes. This is why wolves are more impressive than dogs. This may be why there’s such a white fascination with black physique, musical expression, stronger vocal chords, and sexuality."

"every white man is filled with insecurity."


  1. This person is wrong when it comes to the declaration that blacks have a monopoly on power. They do not.

    Who dominates powerlifting?

    It isn't black people.


  2. also Andrea Fremantle

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
